Driving Machine Learning & Software Development.

Translating project ideas into workable, production-ready code.

Who are we?

We are a group of engineers with a vast background. We assist companies and researchers in any stage of a project. Let us help you achieve your goals, whatever your project is on, and wherever you are in your project's journey.

Our services

  • outline of full-stack diagram in white

    Software Development

  • outline of database diagram in white

    Database Design

  • outline of brain diagram in white

    Machine Learning/Statistics

  • outline of checkmark in a circle diagram in white

    Principal Investigator/Project Lead

To Do, Doing, Done being shown as post-it notes with 2 hands

Working on projects large and small

We can be anything from a Principal Investigator for a project to a Software Developer helping to get a project off the ground.

Showing a programming project on a laptop

Vast background knowledge

Need help with a project written in Julia? How about Ruby or Python? We have a vast knowledge base of many languages and frameworks to build your project, depending on your needs.

Portfolio Preview

Meet our team

  • Picture of Cory Kromer-Edwards

    Cory Kromer-Edwards, Ph.D.

Get started with Machine Translation, today.